Audiology Services
Welcome to Greentree Hearing and Audiology, a full service audiology clinic serving patients in Kirkwood and St Louis, Missouri. We offer a range of hearing services including hearing testing, hearing aid selection & programming, hearing aid repairs and ongoing hearing aid maintenance.
Initial consultations involve three steps: a diagnostic hearing evaluation, tympanometric testing and, if hearing loss is revealed, a hearing aid consultation. If you are experiencing signs of hearing loss, we invite you to schedule a consultation with one of our Doctors of Audiology.
Tinnitus Management
Tinnitus (also known as ‘ringing in the ears’) is the frequent experience of bothersome sounds inside the head. The condition is very common, effecting 44 million Americans and is the most common injury for our armed service men and women. Others cannot hear the sounds that are described as ringing, buzzing, or chirping but for individuals with tinnitus, the sounds are very real and perceived as a threat to their well-being.
Recent studies indicate that 80% of cases of tinnitus also include some degree of hearing loss. Often just addressing the underlying hearing loss can alleviate the ringing in the ears. Sound masking and sound therapy is known to provide relief to those experiencing tinnitus. Many of today’s best hearing aids have sound masking features programmed into the device to support wearers with tinnitus.
Custom Ear Protection
In many cases, hearing loss is preventable with the use of proper hearing protection. At Greentree Audiology, we offer a complete line of custom hearing protection for musicians, shooters, swimmers, and others exposed to harmful environments.
Ear Wax Removal
We are fully equipped to provide cerumen (wax) removal services to all our patients. Many hearing aid users develop problems due to excessive cerumen buildup. Success with hearing aids requires a clean and clear ear canal. Please call ahead and schedule a time to meet with Dr. Pickett for this service.
Hearing Aid Services
If your hearing test reveals the need for amplification, a hearing aid evaluation will be conducted to determine the most appropriate type of device for your particular hearing loss and lifestyle needs. Since there are a large number of hearing aids and a wide array of manufacturers to choose from, it is important that you have the most updated and unbiased information to make your decision.
Our office is proud to offer a wide variety of products from the best manufacturers. We are highly-trained and equipped to provide complete programming and adjustment services for most hearing aids on the market today. Your new hearing aids will be custom-made and programmed for your particular hearing loss, ensuring the most appropriate physical and acoustic fit.
Hearing Tests
Complete diagnostic hearing testing is performed in a sound booth in a noise-controlled environment. This involves patient responses to auditory stimuli in order to diagnose frequency-specific sensitivity. Spoken words are also used to determine speech understanding in ideal conditions. Testing is simple, fast and pain-free. The results of your hearing test will be used to determine the best path forward.

Tympanometry Testing
Tympanometric testing is done to determine middle-ear and Eustachian tube function. This test tells us whether or not your eardrum is intact, if your middle ear pressure is within normal limits and if the tube that connects your middle-ear to your throat is functioning properly. In many cases, this test can also help provide evidence of fluid within the middle ear.